Category: beingtoomuch

  • (Day 28): #laxcourthouse [Whats Coming From You …]

    (Day 28): #laxcourthouse [Whats Coming From You …]

    Hopefully you never get to a place in life where you don’t feel like yourself, or have nothing to offer anyone, meaning that in exchange for knowing you, not be made to feel good about your progress or hopeful for themselves, and whatever is included in your future too. I think later in life, you…

  • Being from a Different Breed …

    Being from a Different Breed …

    Finding yourself is about broadening your horizons, they always tell you to try new things, meet new people, as you get to know yourself and live a little, you become more or less susceptible to being hurt in the process of finding your way. So even if it takes you a few failed attempts at…

  • Getting Over It …

    Getting Over It …

    Outgrowing old problems is always a humbling quiet realization when we find ourselves once again situated at a disposition of discomfort however this time, determined in a different way to be more mindful of the energies of those around us, who maybe care less about what’s going wrong for you and more hopeful of all…

  • There’s a Way to Respond …

    There’s a Way to Respond …

    There a way to respond that doesn’t present difficulty which is not to require for anyone to care for you or empathize with you in a down no matter how it’s created by what terms or experienced in life, I’ve never viewed myself in that way, a waste of time. You know if you are…

  • There’s A Saying …

    There’s A Saying …

    Theres a saying, “let go let god,” which is something that I think applies right now, on the brink of feeling hurt you have a choice, what you take in (take to heart), and what you let go (not get under your skin). It can be for many reasons, or a few setbacks, that you…

  • Do Your Best …

    Do Your Best …

    The point past giving up is unhappiness whatever that’s to declare what’s of worth deserved or not deserved any condition you don’t want to be in sometimes is the end result of doing your best and things not getting better or things getting worse and unexpected results occurring from a failure being declared on your…

  • When Someone Loses Faith in You …

    When Someone Loses Faith in You …

    Day 14 at #laxcourthouse When someone loses faith in you, its by reading and interpreting in the negative thought a reaction to be about them, and that’s how relationships are lost, its not a lesson its if you are not doing well no one wants to know you, no one wants to talk to you,…

  • Respect Wise …

    Respect Wise …

    You are as good as the value of your word, so if you say something it should work in the favor of those who seek to be helped by you not necessarily have to care what works out for you in life, and that’s why respect is seldomly handout out to anyone, who we don’t…

  • Outgrowing Competitive Energy …

    Outgrowing Competitive Energy …

    For every well moment you experience in life, be proud of yourself, its when competition hits, that things go from sailing in life, to a stand still, or weight gain for that matter gained 18 lbs since January, finally reached my goal weight -30 lbs was at 160 lbs, and happy, maybe my face did…