Tag: blogger

  • A No Nonsense Approach …

    A No Nonsense Approach …

    Whenever I find myself ruminating I try to stop myself, think of something else they say. Its easy when youre feeling bombarded by emotions and feelings to think too much about what you are feeling without getting enough positive reinforcement. I found myself reviewing a post the other day, thinking to myself “Leslie why are…

  • Theres No Such Thing as Luck …

    Theres No Such Thing as Luck …

    Im a good example of someone who when they are doing well things work out for me, why I have a work history that is near perfection, however personally I have not been as stable, nor romantically, that’s life, there will always be troubles that you encounter in some area of life the point is…

  • Whats Tough …

    Whats Tough …

    One of the toughest battles you will ever face in life is when you are not feeling good, and if you cant figure out why, not wait until its too late and you’ve isolated either by choice, or by preference, and hopefully via no overt words or actions that set you apart from others in…

  • Most of Life …

    Most of Life …

    Most of life requires you to concentrate, to learn, to focus, to retain, to put together, to make sense of life and your experiences in life, as well as information you expose yourself to for study, and sometimes its easy to deduce or simplify or summarize what it is you are hearing and sometimes you…

  • Managing Stress and Carrying On …

    Managing Stress and Carrying On …

    There are many phases to recovering from mental health issues, and if you are someone like me who is used to operating on all cylinders, and being a busy bee, then its really frustrating to endure any kind of disability which interferes with your ability to keep busy and stay motivated. There will be periods…

  • Theres No Such Thing as Friend-Enemies …

    Theres No Such Thing as Friend-Enemies …

    Theres no such things as friend-enemies. Its common when paranoid to feel like everyone is against you, I promise you that that discomfort lies from within, so figure out what it is that you are feeling insecure about, and try not to let those facts about you bother you so much. Most people only know…

  • Reflecting on This Past Year …

    Reflecting on This Past Year …

    Kicking yourself out of a depressed state is a challenge for most people, I’m no different. The point is to keep moving, the longer you stay put, whether that be resting in bed, being anti-social, avoiding responsibilities, and beating yourself up, the harder it is to get moving again. So start with simple goals whether…

  • Just Pen Pals …

    Just Pen Pals …

    Just pen pals … I don’t know what it is but for some reason I attract married men. There must be some middle ground that makes it okay for you to be flirtatious with men who are married. It’s not porn but it’s somewhere in between pen paling, you get to log your day, keep…

  • What Are the Odds? …

    What Are the Odds? …

    You can say that positive things happen momentum based, but that would be putting too much pressure on yourself to keep going at a pace that you may not be capable of sustaining overtime, so accept your bad days as being apart of life, you don’t have to feel good everyday. I think being a…

  • Love is a Beautiful Feeling …

    Love is a Beautiful Feeling …

    Christmas is right around the corner, and Im sure we will all soon be surrounded by friends and family sharing the comfort of one another, after a couple difficult years with COVID surmounting, hasn’t that been the fear on our backs for some time, Im assuming it will linger, but that doesn’t mean that we…