Tag: blogging tips

  • Guest Blogger: Robert Johnson …

    Guest Blogger: Robert Johnson …

    I am pleased to introduce Robert Johnson who recently contacted me via email and wanted share his new book with my audience. Robert Johnson is an author “passionate about helping others realize their dreams” and has created a “comprehensive guide (or personal compass)” to help you identify, plan, and achieve your life’s aspirations. His book…

  • Start Thinking Positive Thoughts …

    Start Thinking Positive Thoughts …

    Sometimes talking helps, but eventually you have to redirect your thoughts toward things you are capable of achieving right now. How can you in the immediate be made to feel better about your day. So pace yourself, begin each day with one positive thought and go from there and make it your goal until the…

  • Sometimes Our Minds Run Wild …

    Sometimes Our Minds Run Wild …

    Of all the things you could think about, don’t be ashamed for what comes to your mind, or what you are made to think of. It is not always something in your control, you could be watching TV, or read a story on social media, see a post, see a picture, all of these things…

  • How to Let Things Go Post Trauma … #stopschoolshootings

    How to Let Things Go Post Trauma … #stopschoolshootings

    One of the first things I learned about myself moving forward is about being eligible to work for any type of victim services, so that was a good point Greg Gutfield, that it would be ridiculous to have someone like “OJ do victim services.” Whether I relate to that or am offended by that as…

  • Good Advice …

    Good Advice …

    Good advice is hard to come by, you won’t always hear what you want to hear when the troubles you face are of your own making, this is true of addiction, or making mistakes when it comes to being close to wrong people, or run the risk exposing yourself to others, not all people can…

  • And That’s the End of That …

    And That’s the End of That …

    I’ve noticed that the tension has decreased and people are going back to living freely again, although there is much to worry about in the news, I think overall we are coping better having had these discussions whether or not there are actual people commenting and replying to my posts, I know that I get…

  • You’re Perfect Just the Way You Are …

    You’re Perfect Just the Way You Are …

    If there is one thing I have learned this year, is to practice self-compassion. How you feel about yourself matters. So start there. Before picking yourself apart, think about what you have to offer the world, why you want to be here, and have some things to look forward to. When you have goals in…

  • Don’t Freak Out …

    Don’t Freak Out …

    You have a choice and you don’t have to go down that road, so take a deep breath and think …. What will be the best way to respond to this situation and what will make things more difficult for me moving forward. Sometimes the difference between someone who goes through a lot and moves…

  • Theres No Such Thing as Friend-Enemies …

    Theres No Such Thing as Friend-Enemies …

    Theres no such things as friend-enemies. Its common when paranoid to feel like everyone is against you, I promise you that that discomfort lies from within, so figure out what it is that you are feeling insecure about, and try not to let those facts about you bother you so much. Most people only know…

  • Benefits to Staying Positive …

    There are a lot of benefits to staying positive, not only do your thoughts make more sense, but you are able to enjoy the peace and quiet of a day such as today. Its when you play into the negatives that the tension is raised, for me I get ulcer sore throat or a burning…