Tag: change

  • Everybody is Capable of Change …

    Everybody is Capable of Change …

    Remember to be proud of yourself for what you are doing in life. Feeling good about ourselves doesn’t come easy. Just know that in the moment so long as you are doing the right thing that’s one less thing to worry about going wrong for you in life. Everyone is capable of change. Change is…

  • Few Days Rest …

    Few Days Rest …

    After a few days rest coming to terms with recent personal dilemmas concerning voices and integrating socialization to my life maybe it just means nows not a good time. If you could be doing something more important with your time is what to ask yourself if ever not sure if you are where you’re supposed…

  • Returning Back to Normal …

    Returning Back to Normal …

    Suffering from voices is not easy, it’s most relatable to viewing any cycle of abuse or bullying, in which there is no return to normal until the voice or the bully wins, which is a harm suffered to you, is the end result of the purpose for voices directed toward you, that is their center,…

  • Be Open to Change …

    Be Open to Change …

    Who likes change, and why are we so averted to change period? Well mostly people like when things are good, so in the event that things are made to not feel good, well this is the upsetting part about change. The discomfort. I feel like people need incentive to change, like a guarantee that things…

  • In Reviewing Prior Posts …

    In Reviewing Prior Posts …

    I just recognized what it is that’s discomforting, so although I may be presently going through something difficult and feel obligated to disclose that’s a piece of information that heightens tension meaning to not be confident in me makes other people feel bad or sad and that’s not purposeful of me to make others feel…

  • One Day You’ll Look Back …

    One Day You’ll Look Back …

    For anyone in need of some encouragement and feeling defeated this post is for you. It’s okay to be vulnerable I know we don’t enjoy the feeling of feeling manipulated or changed from our regular selves normal and put together but don’t fret. We all go through periods of nervous anguish in difficulty and I…

  • Day 25: #laxcourthouse …

    Day 25: #laxcourthouse …

    It’s a quiet day, lesson learned in mental health, its better to not react than it is to react and vocalize what it is that is bothering you that’s better suited for therapy that upset and unnerving need to defend oneself is by setting yourself straight not others and that’s how everything goes back to…

  • Change is Scary …

    Change is Scary …

    Let’s face it, how many of us on the verge of something new find ourselves lost? I certainly do, and that’s not an unusual experience. According to tinybuddah.com, “life will always require you to let go of something before the next thing is in sight.” [1] So instead of darting our eyes, counting out ABCs…

  • I’ve Always Wanted …

    I’ve Always Wanted …

    If you want what you’ve never had to get it you have to be disciplined. Stability means everything worthwhile while achieving your goals. It’s when we’re unstable we become fearful, it’s when we doubt ourselves, our luck runs out. Small steps everyday means pacing yourself taking it day by day as you recover and get…

  • What Changes You Shapes You …

    What Changes You Shapes You …

    Eventually you let go, and stop working yourself up over the same things over and over again, that’s called taking a more mature approach to life, and getting your big picture perspective back in life. When you can put experiences back into context, and file them away, with the rest of the days of your…