Tag: relationships

  • Facing Your Fears …

    Facing Your Fears …

    There will always be a stopping point when it comes to sharing your thoughts, and it will occur upon not sounding like yourself, or beginning to empathize with the wrong concepts in life, be miscommunicated through you, as though you are demonstrating care for the wrong issues in life, then be made an example of…

  • Always Be a Catch …

    Always Be a Catch …

    There are simple and obvious rules to dating, besides always being a catch, it means taking good care of yourself, being emotionally stable, having good conversational skills, being confident, having something going for you in life, valuing the time and attention of another, not being too needy, and getting tested. They may not stay, there…

  • Into Harms Way …

    Into Harms Way …

    I don’t think there is ever a time when you are completely at peace when you are not made to feel happy with yourself, there will always be that something about you then that another is not sure of, and that’s the way luck goes. So do your best in spite of what others think.…

  • Starting a New Life …

    Starting a New Life …

    Give it day to think things over, and if you still don’t feel well welcome to the club, that would be the opposite of improvement, to be any type of let down in life, no matter what the issues are. Have you ever been bored in conversation that runs lacksidasical and hurts your head, Ive been…

  • In That Moment of Doubt …

    In That Moment of Doubt …

    In that moment of doubt with your fears at bay, is when you need to remind yourself of all that you are, sometimes that’s all it takes to move forward in life. Recognition of the past without allowing what has happened to keep you from being present in the moment, and value the person you…

  • Love Lives On …

    Love Lives On …

    It’s not a perfect ending going back to my ex, but rather a new beginning. Somewhere to start beyond the chaos that surmised between myself and my thinking about things with nothing positive coming to fruition for me until I began writing. There’s so much value in discovering yourself and re-discovering yourself. Always keep in…

  • Just an Illusion …

    Just an Illusion …

    You will have many dreams in life, one of which will be to be loved and adored. You will have crushes in life too, none that require you to actually pursue them or try to talk to them. That’s just recipe for disaster. We are given quadrants in life of acceptance, and sometimes while traversing…

  • A Living Nightmare …

    A Living Nightmare …

    The start of anything new is unique and exciting, however harmless as it seems at the time, never forget the repercussions of opening up to someone in private. When you share your world with someone that’s a big thing, and what might have seemed special then can later turn into something else, a nightmare. We…

  • Future Potential …

    Future Potential …

    This is something you think about in your 30s, and if you’re lucky get picked in your 20s, if single super sensitive to the opinions of others based upon your status in life, single or taken, take pride in yourself. If anyone is not attracted to what you have to offer the world because of…

  • What’s Easy? …

    What’s Easy? …

    Catch yourself before you fall into a negative spiral would be my best advice. Recognize when you’re giving up on yourself and allowing negative thoughts about yourself and your future to rule your current outlook. You only have one life to live meaning making the best of a good life. You may not feel well,…