Tag: retaliation

  • Staying Focused …

    Staying Focused …

    Staying focused has not been easy, this Fall was a change of pace for me, beginning with applying for jobs over summer and finally found placement at “Peace Over Violence,” I was waiting to get stable to apply, and then there is always the new problem of being able to perform, which started when disability…

  • Many Reasons for Upset …

    Many Reasons for Upset …

    There can be many reasons for upset, not limited only to people who are important, there are some of us too, who maybe are not as important, but still hurt on the basis of who we are, lets not call it discrimination quite yet, but focus more on what can be done on your end…

  • Dating as a Woman, Whats Trouble? …

    Dating as a Woman, Whats Trouble? …

    Dating as a woman, who has a history of getting in trouble, that’s a difficult concept to overcome, and its not a talk you always have with someone who grows to love you or trust you with their life and body, that’s sex, I think that there will come a point in time when you…

  • How Controversy Erupts …

    How Controversy Erupts …

    Controversy erupts, whenever anyone feels entitled to knowing something about you, and doesn’t feel like they have been given enough information to make a decision about you, I think I disclose everything about me. Controversy erupts whenever there is an arguments being made about you and when anyone is put in the defensive, that can…

  • The Point of Change …

    The Point of Change …

    Not everyone will understand your decisions in life, and someone trying to change you is trying to convince others that what you have to say is not coming from you, why they try to change you into another person, to make you seem like you think you are something you are not “hot.” So the…

  • Whats Too Much …

    Whats Too Much …

    #laxcourthouse (Day 11) By the time it feels like too much that is too late, and that’s to convince you that you don’t feel well, or deserve to not feel well, and that’s to hear what you say when you feel sick, and whether you say anything that purposefully hurtful or egotistical, whether its about…

  • The Point of Disappointment …

    The Point of Disappointment …

    If the theme is improvement, then that will be the cause for hardship. If the source of pride is graduation, then that will be the point of attack. If its in who you support blamed, then that will be the cause for negative interpretation, until ultimately someone will ask who are you, what have you…

  • Recently I Noticed …

    Recently I Noticed …

    Originally Posted 04-20-21 The past is treacherous, they were not nicknamed the Dinosaurs for no reason, they are so very proud of us, the last thing anyone wants who has lived life is to see anyone caught up in anything stupid, such as myself: modeling. Not my strength, I did audition twice at least to…

  • How is God Made? ….

    How is God Made? ….

    Originally Posted 04-20-21 Being in touch with God, is not a state of being that makes you invincible to life stresses, immune from hardship, or protected from harm, its about whether or not you have trust in yourself, and on the basis of your own sense of direction in life, make the right decisions in…

  • Outgrowing Competitive Energy …

    Outgrowing Competitive Energy …

    For every well moment you experience in life, be proud of yourself, its when competition hits, that things go from sailing in life, to a stand still, or weight gain for that matter gained 18 lbs since January, finally reached my goal weight -30 lbs was at 160 lbs, and happy, maybe my face did…