Tag: romance

  • Getting Your Wings Back …

    Getting Your Wings Back …

    Love is one of the ultimate motivating and maybe one of the most powerful influences you’ll meet in life if you’re up for the challenge. When you take good care of yourself and able to be there for others and help take care of them, it’s like old wounds healing faster than they would just…

  • Learn to Love in Small Doses …

    Learn to Love in Small Doses …

    I don’t date much, but when I did date in serious relationships I would give it my all, there’s just something about love, the constant gravitation toward who you love, and the sense of stability that it provides. Love can be a great motivator in life, to change and to better yourself. Everything feels more…

  • Types of Relationships …

    Types of Relationships …

    As you get older you will reflect on the types of relationships that you have had throughout your dating career, and hopefully it is not too late to love again, like again, make a new friend, companion, or feel comfortable with another in a mutually beneficial romantic or physical interaction. We tend to shy away…

  • In Reviewing Prior Posts …

    In Reviewing Prior Posts …

    I just recognized what it is that’s discomforting, so although I may be presently going through something difficult and feel obligated to disclose that’s a piece of information that heightens tension meaning to not be confident in me makes other people feel bad or sad and that’s not purposeful of me to make others feel…

  • When It Comes to Love …

    When It Comes to Love …

    When it comes to love don’t deny your feelings, you could be causing more harm than good in avoidance of facing what baffles you, challenges you, or forces you to look at yourself, asking yourself where do I need to improve? Often times, if you’re like me, we don’t feel validated by the whole experience,…

  • Sharing Positive Attention …

    Sharing Positive Attention …

    We all want to be someone that another feels good by. This has especially come to my attention, liking a politician, what will people think of me befriending him, and how will that make him look? This has caused me to be more careful about how I look, not that I didn’t used to care…

  • What is Feeling Good? …

    What is Feeling Good? …

    Coming up with a system that works for you will be key to your productivity and happiness, Im most happy when I am sticking to a system or a routine that guarantees to flip my mood around or turn a bad day into a good day, like yesterday, suddenly frozen, no thoughts, little writing, and…

  • Just Pen Pals …

    Just Pen Pals …

    Just pen pals … I don’t know what it is but for some reason I attract married men. There must be some middle ground that makes it okay for you to be flirtatious with men who are married. It’s not porn but it’s somewhere in between pen paling, you get to log your day, keep…

  • What Are the Odds? …

    What Are the Odds? …

    You can say that positive things happen momentum based, but that would be putting too much pressure on yourself to keep going at a pace that you may not be capable of sustaining overtime, so accept your bad days as being apart of life, you don’t have to feel good everyday. I think being a…

  • Love is a Beautiful Feeling …

    Love is a Beautiful Feeling …

    Christmas is right around the corner, and Im sure we will all soon be surrounded by friends and family sharing the comfort of one another, after a couple difficult years with COVID surmounting, hasn’t that been the fear on our backs for some time, Im assuming it will linger, but that doesn’t mean that we…