Tag: worldpeace

  • Wondering About Things …

    Wondering About Things …

    Sometimes before things get better they get worse, and Im hoping that thats not the case. I am an incredibly paranoid person who is really hard on herself, and Im not ashamed to say that. I think its okay to be careful, just know your limits. For awhile now, I have been saving all my…

  • Going to Treatment Tomorrow …

    Going to Treatment Tomorrow …

    Its clear that whatever Im battling in life, Im losing, and since I cannot fix what is wrong, or say anything to get out of a condition in which I don’t feel well, to avoid anyone making an example of me, as someone who speaks and is not well, am going to treatment tomorrow, to…

  • It Won’t Be Clear …

    Wherever you are in life, between finishing and completing a task, it will not be clear your potential to you, maybe clearer to someone looking at you,  who either thinks that you don’t see your own potential, or thinking that your dreams in life are bigger than they are at the time, and whether you recognize…

  • What Things Are? …

    What Things Are? …

    You share your identity, then you lose your identity, and that’s being positive, why most people don’t share online. So that was me, my “character,” as in “good character” or “moral character.” So that’s how I get treated if Im loving, kind, innocent, proper, normal. Then there is who thinks you (1) deserve to go…

  • What Makes You Desirable …

    What Makes You Desirable …

    If it wont matter in four years, then maybe its not something you need to worry too much about. Driving down my street today I thought I saw Bruce Willis. Checking on all the action huh? My life does feel like an action movie, most of the time, unless Im not feeling well, underperforming, or not…

  • Still Room for Growth …

    Still Room for Growth …

    Reference: https://www.bloggingfusion.com/mymollydoll/43452/ Learning is a difficult experience for most, and while we may be good at some things, that doesn’t mean that we will be good at all things. There are no exceptions to becoming smart, it requires all of you, your best effort. I just read a comment by thriveglobal.com, who mentions this issue which…

  • Recently Looked Up …

    Recently Looked Up …

    I recently looked up the definition  of “lighten up,” which according to merriam-webster.com means “to take things less seriously.” [1] When is it important to lighten up? If there is a point that another is trying to get at, not tense up. If there is something from the past waiting to be disclosed, feel uptight. When…

  • Recent Likes on Blogpros + Letter to Audience …

    Recent Likes on Blogpros + Letter to Audience …

    Likes on lesliefischman.wpcomstaging.com: 04-13-21 Phases on Blogging: 259 04-13-21 Recently I Noticed: 1551 04-13-21 How to Be Brave: 1565  04-12-21 Whats Related?: 1755 04-12-21 Facing Your Fears: 1850 04-12-21 Losing Interest: 1722 04-11-21 Don’t Let Anyone Bother You: 1907 04-11-21 Pushing for Conspiracy: 1788 04-11-21 How to do What is Right: 1816 04-10-21 Went for…

  • Where Do You See Yourself …

    Where Do You See Yourself …

    If you ever feel lost in life, figure out where you want to be in life and what you want to have in life, that will get you started on the first step toward moving forward in life, visualizing yourself actually doing the work that you need to do to get to where you want…