Continue reading →: Personal Update ….
I just got home from the hospital, yesterday. I just woke up, taking it easy. I did not mean to hurt myself, I passed out (collapsed) and my sister called 911, my heart rate fell, and almost ended up in the ICU, and almost died. I am thankful to be…
Continue reading →: The Gift of Love: Your Power ….
Everyone has the potential to offer peace a goal not always time to rest to me love as a person fought a return to normalcy not guaranteed not too fragile to date a website law school graduate no one has ever told me anything about being good as a good…
Continue reading →: At This Point in Time …
Based on three days of writing feeling suicidal by various terms working hard for three days clearly the voices have not stopped therefore I can accept terms to mean to discontinue my focus on code or everyone or normal not bother anyone address life from where I am focus on…
Continue reading →: I Just Think Everyone Should Be Thankful …..
Talking to voices and hurtful words: I think after two years in court improving I’ve come a long way from taking chances on good terms considerate of my neighborhood not any unwanted toughness a version of me to dislike not empowering others inhuman or untimely for no reason for many…
Continue reading →: Don’t Take Chances in Life with your Public Image ….
It’s always best to be just you on Instagram and keep your Facebook private I think by now both places want good news stay in a place improved deserving of friendship not let anyone down inspire show that i have overcome insecurity earning friendships worth succeeding deserving of a happy…
Continue reading →: Life isn’t about needing help ……
I am not someone lucky no one bothers taking chances take to heart comments unblock someone in a life who loses their life doesn’t stay well write in public proper unfit or unintelligent honesty many ways voices have given me a hard time not mistake being at peace in court…
Continue reading →: If I can’t help you Im Sorry ….
Life isn’t easy I go through a lot work hard no loss taking for granted my content or support anything you make fun of it’s not my job to lose or need help at all time like this there is no explanation or reason or system of anything that’s failing…
Continue reading →: I Need to Take a Break from Blogging ….
I need to take a break from blogging I’m doing my best to address concerns clarify issues that could be of issue do the work like everyone else nothing happens I’m an instant it takes time to be settled and say enough things right to make things better. Right now…
Continue reading →: If It’s Not a Big Deal Who I Am ….
Discontinuing all contact or making fun of me working hard figuring issues mwah im not gonna make it a world peace joke an example of someone who is insensitive or going you die deserves to be jail go isn’t regarded as of military quality or unfit to have experience applying…
Continue reading →: My Ability Your Ability ….
I was designed to be a person expected to do her best at no point in time took anyone for granted worked hard to be well stay sober mean I’m guilty or on my way out say things that I fail to comprehend as relevant to me someone working hard…
Continue reading →: No One is Not Loved …..
No one is being denied the heartwarming a light heated moments of solution or given attentions too late making a choice to be online with risk to me not too late for therapy. Any person privileged to be entrusted with managing your personhood in an environment that recognizes you to…
Continue reading →: I’m a Good Example …..
I’m a good example of someone who goes through a lot not required to disclosed or forced to disclose not in a book an improper unjustified response to not being fit to handle questioning as to a year in life or any moment of mental health a known difficulty or…
Continue reading →: There’s No Solution with Expectation that I Move On …..
We have tried all solutions to address concerns supported, in treatment at home, with jobs, no jobs, stable, not stable, sober, in therapy, not self harming, not blogging, following advices, did not end up some place worse or someone who you constantly accuse of showing up places or speaking improper,…
Continue reading →: Identifying Issues, Problem Solving …..
If the issue are rare moments in time I’m able just need to show up are not missed opportunities in life to speak mean anything is going wrong because a moment special was lost mean my moments matter if it’s not my timing or job how many examples of less…
Continue reading →: Texts to Justice Sotomayor, Continued Private Discussion …
Texts to Justice Sotomayor Why it’s not safe to share story staying home it was taken the wrong why (why are others memorialized improve) while using voices to accuse me of not being recovered or call mental health selfish or court mean I’m asking for help or letters and don’t…
Continue reading →: #newpost: Writing a Book vs Losing my Battle with Voices ….
By the time I’m losing my battle with voices punching my head, or experiencing difficulty writing, decide to drink and not write, or make decisions to be offline with support, give me time to contemplate the existence of voices (as they are real to me not delusion or hallucination) and…
Continue reading →: #newpost: Don’t Believe the Hype ….
When I heard at work that the job I was in was within a dying profession, I immediately felt concern while working in Film Distribution. One of my biggest heartaches was being invited to work at AFM in Santa Monica the American Film Festival and purchased a very expensive badge…
Continue reading →: Talking to Your Audience ….
No matter who your audience is, never downplay the excitement and enthusiasm which is appreciated when hearing from anyone, you never know how people are feeling, so the more you keep things positive the better they will feel. As a person with mental health issues voices, sometimes I struggle with…
Continue reading →: Disaster Recovery Centers ….
Dear Friends, Disaster Recovery Centers are opening to the public today to provide in-person, targeted assistance for residents impacted by the LA Fires. County and State departments and agencies will be able to connect you with needed benefits and services, and LA Public Health will have nurses and a physician on site to…
Continue reading →: Building Resentments …..
Today I started working on my book drafts, not sure when I’m publishing, but keep trying to afford be good enough to fulfill a dream in life, make a book and be an author. Working on a chapter on voices, editing and rewriting my voices research paper, working on Chapter…
Continue reading →: Federal Assistance for Fire Victims ….
Federal Assistance to Fire Victims This assistance is designed to help cover costs not covered by insurance. Grant Assistance to a Household: FEMA Individual Assistance – Special Needs Assistance Grants: $770 one-timepayment to afford immediate needs like food, water, hygiene, and transportation. FEMA Individual Assistance – For Housing: The maximum amount a homeowner can receive…
Continue reading →: In All Seriousness ….
Given the circumstances, maybe this is the best time to change, or come forward, or help out, set aside my issues with voices, move forward and help out and apply to Red Cross or work hard to get to go back to work, who knows what the future holds. Right…
Continue reading →: One of the Most Difficult Parts of Helping …..
Some things we should never forget as we move long this course in discovery through blogging, improving as the days come, one step at a time. Reminds me of the many CITI Research Certificate courses I took, on how to protect people from harm how to protect vulnerable population. I…
Continue reading →: If You Don’t Prefer Communication ….
At this point there is no acceptance for my life or mental health or 39 years of life is not unreasonable to deal with things privately or publicly upon distrust continue to report voices keep a log never unclear on what life is about or unclear of belonging or being…
Continue reading →: Don’t Confuse My Reality ….
Let’s not confuse my reality as compared to anyone else’s ability withstand a pressure or faced with a grave intolerance of me that does not reflect how long it took to be well or suddenly judge me for being in a lawsuit for now more than 3 years is not…
Continue reading →: Sometimes No Matter What You Say …..
Sometimes no matter what you say will ever be good enough in the eyes of comparison, or a decision maker of privilege or wellness, life is not a competition, or a story anyone should win or lose by create political theories on life, to exclude me us my information, or…
Continue reading →: The Use of Bullying ….
When people are done with you. What life is like not mattering. What life is like expect me to stay well or get sick complain or change be a certain way about everyone except me unclear on what calling me offensive means. That I shouldn’t blog. Not required to speak…
Continue reading →: Reality vs. Voices ….
Noticed this was the only content provided for this post and can’t find a copy of this post in my records or on my phone, therefore if written and deleted not by me. No offense taken or paranoia necessary or diagnosis or circumstance or present concerns mean I’m taking it…
Continue reading →: When the Judge is Mad ….
I retitled this post and can further explain how I don’t appreciate any hate website using me ridicule me accuse me expect continued contact or expect me to just deal with a life changed by (speakeasy code or war music or film violence or loss) not allow myself to be…
Continue reading →: I Can Comprehend the Need for Normalcy ….
These are not destructive conclusions or reflections on life and my innocence or paranoia or disclosures this is about loss and mental health and voices and to determine whether or not it’s okay to call me offensive and use lawsuits to destroy and ruin my life without regard for my…
Continue reading →: Today I told Voices “Stop” Method (1): Speak out loud ….
Believe in something positive in life other than the symptoms that disrupt your happiness let no moment of wellness or symptom of voices disadvantage you in life or cause you illness one of the most difficult issues in life to face is dealing with something you have no control or…
Continue reading →: Previous Discussion with mention of “Mezzaluna” ….
I had one middle school double date experience where someone sat on my chest hooking up, I’m a good friend I didn’t grow up in life hurt or offended or share an experience in which I was offended mistaken for an inexperienced woman or have reportable experiences that a job…
Continue reading →: Reported the Judge’s Threat and Public Humiliation and Condemnation of Me ….
The judge is on it observing me crediting John Cockrell ruining my life causing me suicide wrongfully accusing me using a form shared trying to tell me what to take seriously keep accusing me being in court stress me out don’t care what court is about don’t respect who I…
Continue reading →: I’m Sorry if the Judge is Disappointed ….
Written before blocking hate website. After 39 years of life and doing my best I’m not obligated to explain anything to court or required to get well again, it’s not okay to prosecute me call me harassment or use a hate website as excuse for punishing me if I’m giving…
Continue reading →: I’m in Court ….
Written before blocking hate website. If that’s what the website said and that’s how I’m being judged and if that is who is hurting me I’m not sure at what point my diagnosis should matter or am anyone complaining why did he win and I sound mentally ill anyone who…
Continue reading →: How Court is Being Used to Harm Me …..
It’s never been more clear watching my life not work out, experience disability, self-harm, questioning hostility, or voices, or mental health against me. The lesson is that wellness is not some memorized rehearsed ability or muscle memory, that any safe space should be accused of enabling or disabling a person’s…
Continue reading →: Submitting Documents to Court Instead of Blogging …..
Now’s a good time to start improving my writing to better convey the meaning of words being used, and how offensive terms are being used to misinform the public, spread rumor, and force a wrongful diagnosis of my mental health, not to mention, create a situation in which a Judge…
Continue reading →: Experiencing Difficulties …..
I’ve never been so hurt on so many levels, that suddenly I should be expected to be confident move on, composed, write, provide, with discontent concerning court, that should not require additional treatment about anyone trying to help me or anyone capable of figuring out whats wrong with me, suddenly…
Continue reading →: I’ve Been Advised …
By my therapist to not blog so far I’m getting a headache got voices feel sick don’t feel well this is not helping me therefore if I’m not appreciated best to not be online.
Continue reading →: Experiencing Hate ….
In addition to my research paper on voices, I would now like to focus on the negative effects of repeated incidents of the use of terminology or receiving unwanted communications, via the use of tech, social media, blog, photography, hacking, with awareness for negative viewership, and the potential to be…
Continue reading →: How many ways calling me racist has ruined my life and caused me to give up contemplate suicide an improper address to a Judge …..
Lost a writing as to properly discussing usage of story issue calling me loser or pathetic or not punching my head or use of alcohol difficult Twitter writing stopped writing difficulty blogging change the date of Carters death year 2024 to accuse me of my 2024 as not mattering or…
Continue reading →: Once You Dislike Something ….
Once you dislike something or someone there’s nothing that can be done to change your heart or mind of opinion on what or who to value in life, there’s no book or story that can be written for free to give meaning to a life otherwise misjudged by diagnosis or…
Continue reading →: Palisades Wildfire Relief Fund Opportunities ….
In case you were wondering how to donate or help out and volunteer, I’ve compiled a list of resources to help you figure out how to help out, if interested. The foundation is seeking monetary donations to equip firefighters battling the wildfires with items including emergency fire shelters, hydration backpacks…
Continue reading →: If There was Ever a Moment ….
If there was ever a moment, to stop for a moment ruminating over your life, your day, and your own problems, the time would be now to think about others, and think about what you can do at this time to be mindful, and considerate of all the losses at…
Continue reading →: Prayers for LA ….
And so the nightmare continues, now evacuating Hollywood Hills, there’s a 10 acre fire off Runyon Canyon. I couldn’t sleep last night watching the Palisades fire, it wasn’t long before I texted someone official after I heard Haverford, that’s where my AA meeting in Palisades was I used to attend,…
Continue reading →: Today is Better ….
One of the most tiring aspects of mental health or bipolar are the highs and lows to go from yesterday to today and to feel completely different or better than you felt the day before. Don’t give up hope no matter how bad things get, always have faith that things…
Continue reading →: It’s Been a Rocky Start ….
So far it’s been a rocky start to 2025 for me but I haven’t given up just quite yet. Just need to put my positive thinking cap on to get through the month and be accepted to a court program for mental health. Seems like we just fall apart at…
Continue reading →: No One is Hurting Your Faith ….
No one is hurting your faith being honest about life mental health or bullying. Everyone deserves to be hopeful positive see the good in others and hope for the best. What’s misunderstood is often times the exact things that make us uncomfortable distrusting pay attention less to those who we…
Continue reading →: Nowhere Better …
Explain how offensive judge was towards me to use or highlight downplay side or support any unwanted derogatory love toward me and my family my race ethnicity. Is why he’s blocked discontinue support or correspondence with someone using court to rub in my face court documentation or terminology the judge…
Continue reading →: Recently Blocked Him ….
It’s recently come to my attention that I am a victim of identity theft was contacted and informed someone was pretending to be me messaging with him. This is not a easy experience, I’ve reported the incident to ic3 for identity theft and doing my best to get well, stay…
Continue reading →: Life Doesn’t Forgive You ….
If Ive learned anything in the past three months, is recognizing how destructive voices are upon my mental health and my ability to work, stay well, stay sober, live free of harm, and improve. Since being hired and working full time, I have experienced mental illness in new heights including…
Continue reading →: Do Your Best Not to Isolate ….
I was reading a book today that explained, “we can’t help or uplift anyone or anything else from a place of resistance and low vibration” if we don’t put ourselves first and that the more joy you embody the more you allow for inspiration to move through you. That to…
Continue reading →: Closing Remarks ….
The goal for today would be to minimize risk or inciting trauma not allow for a crisis to occur or to accuse anything I go through a crisis it’s clear I was hospitalized 10 times was eventually able to complete a masters degree with straight As a person who does…
Continue reading →: Which Moments Define You ….
You get to choose which moments define you, please don’t be too concerned as to where my head is at while in court, or deny the fact Im under a kind of pressure in life, that is real and has nothing to do with anyone else. I’ve never felt so…
Continue reading →: Remind Yourselves ….
My difficulties are not about you. Don’t take my discussions personally. Don’t mistake my wellness as undeserved. Leslie is doing her best. Leslie never lies tells the truth. If Leslie is bullied or experiences voices that is up to her to figure out why. Leslie is allowed to be alone…
Continue reading →: What is Writing For …..
Im at a point in my career where Im thinking about what writing is for, not on a level that Im allowing myself to live a lesser life, or need to constantly experience the nightmare of voices or bullying or self harm to the extent that I need to give…
Continue reading →: Getting Back to Normal ….
You don’t have to be perfect to be online. Take it from me, someone who has openly shared about mental health, yet still experiences periods, of voices, and writing in defense of self, is nothing that I need to leave up or take down, or forgetful of. There are no…
Continue reading →: Choose to Improve …..
Merry Christmas, to all those who celebrate. One of the biggest changes you can make on life, becomes a willingness, to stay well, for yourself, for your loved ones, and for all those who follow. Something I’ve learned recently about myself, while in recovery, in the middle of maintaining sobriety,…
Continue reading →: When I Hear Negative Terms ….
Maybe experiencing mental illness after being 100% well functioning in a job working full time, has nothing to do with my mental health, there is no reason, substance, or issue boiling over or left behind, or difficulty, Ive not discussed in public, discontinuing any system of support, after working hard…
Continue reading →: What a Fan/Hate Website Doesn’t Represent ….
Another Fan/Hate Website was published, equally as damaging and traumatic and challenging to negotiate and have the website be taken down took August-December (5 months) and required calling an Investigator to protect my own safety from threats. Unfortunately an investigator can prevent voices, all that I assume is that if…
Continue reading →: I’m not punishing anyone …
Was writing about not having sex knew after enough times of sex possible in the middle of a traumatic loss it was not okay for me to continue to have sex or be punished as though I’m having sex loved recognize leaving places of comfort to focus on how to…
Continue reading →: Dear Judge Nguyen ….
I plan on: Stopping all contact until January 30, 2024 (update: I tried it’s too hard I have at least 3 pen pals to support me). You told me to stay away and I can stay away remember I never complained why am I alone for 39 years of life…
Continue reading →: I Know My Rights ….
To: Judge Nguyen It’s not fair to make a spectacle of me without publishing a public record or press release providing your own description of this case or purposes for punishing me more than two years now, since prior to my Father having been put on hospice care, have failed…
Continue reading →: What Court Represents ….
To me court represents something overwhelming and serious for me I don’t wish to discuss describe or explain to anyone is my right to privacy something I take seriously, that makes treatment or connecting unnecessary at this time. I’m not ruining my life everyone is nice to me that doesn’t…
Continue reading →: Arguments in Support of Everyone …. #leaveeveryoneastheyare
[2] Arguments in Support of Everyone – To stay well and carry on, focus on myself and problems right now and do my best to figure out life on my own, start publishing books, not be intimidated by the process of becoming known, or allow any death to convince me…
Continue reading →: Maybe I was Told “You’re Going to Regret That.” …..
Maybe I was told you are going to regret that, one of the few moments in life, I ever loved someone, and faced so much disbelief concerning my private content and progress, now is a moment of being serious, and need to be alone, focus on my health until my…
Continue reading →: Life is Tough ….
I think the purpose of improvement and refinement and fitness and applying for jobs, is about being that person, who can be relied upon, able to handle their private life, able to put down one thing, blogging and pick up another line of work, a job in law. Unfortunately due…
Continue reading →: How Things Look …..
Please Note: My card doesn’t mean I’m giving up or allowed to be mean clearly punished if so unsupported. I have court next month “Judge Nguyen threatened to not accept admitting me into a program after requesting I appear in court to go over a form then said he would…
Continue reading →: Final Chapter: Epilogue
Draft: 12-20-24 (not finished writing it yet) Book #1: Thinking Out Loud Chapter: Epilogue I initially wrote this book 2019, around the time I started distributing blog posts through Blogpros, beginning July 2019. It was not until Fall 2020, that my Alexa Rank was in the 14,000s, it seems almost…
Continue reading →: What More Could You Want ….
I’m reading 📖 this book “Super Attractor” [1] and she reminds us of we find ourselves in a story about lack of comparison to keep it simple. (Page 60) She tells us to do something do anything that brings you joy. Redirect your focus, go out and exercise, she stresses…
Continue reading →: About Me …. (Book #1) – draft (12-20-24)
Edit 12-20-24 I grew up in Brentwood, and attended two prestigious grade schools Kindergarten through 12th Grade, the base of my education. I then went on to College at University of Colorado at Boulder, where I pursued a Psychology degree, and graduated with a Sociology Degree. After writing my Honors…
Continue reading →: It’s Never Too Late ….
It’s never too late. I don’t care what you say about time, you won’t understand time, until you have lived life to it’s fullest, which means to focus on moving forward, you can’t go back into the past, what’s past has past, and if all you can do is move…
Continue reading →: All Fights Aside ….
I think it would be wrong to believe that a major tragedy, shooting, fire, or school shootings, is the fault of anyone. Today a hate website asked me what am I doing to prevent school shootings, trying to blame me, including the rest of the hurtful terminology put on the…
Continue reading →: The Imagined Battle ….
At this point I don’t think there is any excuse or diagnosis that can explain how to handle a fight or voices or bullying on a level that I have not already demonstrated solutions created written and explained by me in a effort to both survive court and also have…
Continue reading →: There’s Not One Side to Get To ….
There’s not one side to get to, if I could best explain what I have learned from defamation and rumors being spread about me, and how damaging that has been to my mental health, not to mention causing me to hear voices, it’s really about managing those difficulties in private,…
Continue reading →: Watching Yellowstone ….
Watching a Yellowstone marathon on Paramount today, the season finale is tonight at 8pm. I heard about the show, overhearing my Supervising Attorney, having a conversation with someone else on the phone about watching his favorite tv-show, Yellowstone. Which happened to be on TV today, so Ive been watching all…
Continue reading →: How Do We Feel About Anger ….
How do we feel about anger, is it justified, have things risen to any extreme that would naturally prompt anyone to get angry or upset. What is the difference between anger like in the Movie: Gran Torino, versus anger as expressed by a movement for victims of crimes, that prompts…
Continue reading →: 3 Ways to Get Grounded ….
Getting grounded, is a strategy for managing stress, or that internal or external chaos around you, that not so good feeling, something is wrong, that worry, that sensory overload, of things being too much, in the end you have the power to control those mental health symptoms (or take meds),…
Continue reading →: People Don’t Know What to Think ….
Recently its been a shouting match with voices, and which terms are hurtful and Im sure in my desperation hysterically crying, or dependent on meds, I didn’t make sense, and for anyone who saw me on Instagram, not a fan of my arguments and separations from various classifications and movements…
Continue reading →: Challenge Your Judgments …
I was reading a book today, reminding us not to compare, describing comparison as a difficult emotion to navigate. She describes “comparison” as “actually a form of judgment, and [that] judgment weakens our attracting power.” [1] So why should we challenge our judgments? Because its about not being brought down…
Continue reading →: People Pleaser ….
It’s 4pm in the middle of the week I just had court and things have just begun looking up for me. Your typical people pleaser trying to make everyone happy and last to help herself winds up getting in trouble while helping others or at least thinking that she’s helping…
Continue reading →: Just as You Thought ….
With the world in the palm of your hand, why risk it all. For anyone with a God complex, trying to control the universe, or seeing themselves in the center of the universe, hallmarks, of common mental health issues, everyone knowing you, reading you, or being able to tell what’s…
Continue reading →: Maintain a Positive Attitude …..
Always maintain a positive attitude, I cant emphasize this enough, especially out in the open online, with so many political arguments underway, and movements in the works, you really don’t want to get anything wrong, and have people turn on you, go against you, be angry with you, be racist…
Continue reading →: How You Handle Pressure ….
How you handle pressure says a lot about where you are to others onlooking or trying to assess how far along you are in terms of realizations and life in general, as a person who writes life advice online, or considering careers in the helping professions, or technology. It all…
Continue reading →: Reality Check ….
It’s always a healthy idea to take a step back and remind yourself not everyone knows me, it’s not a big deal, this is only temporary, you’ll get through this, not everyone knows your story, not everyone thinks something the same, it’s not about me, and come to grips with…
Continue reading →: Find the Old You …..
Maybe it takes losing everything to describe my past experience battling addiction, or reasons why I stopped or chose to not drink alcohol my whole life, and hopefully the main point doesn’t go missing in the process of me trying to illustrate who I am on a level that the…
Continue reading →: Effort Makes Sense …..
Effort makes sense, whether you are a person who is responsible for your own troubles, or a product of some mess not of your own making, there is something to said about someones progress and what acceptance by court and people in general online, whether or not a side against…
Continue reading →: Writing is a Good Sign …..
No matter what happens to me, do not be alarmed, I have been this way for at least 12 years in and out of the hospital, although I thought I would outgrow any type on instability by getting a job, but I guess its all the same no matter how…
Continue reading →: How to Gauge Your Progress …..
The goal of every writer or blogger or website is to publish solid good work product. According to Google.com work product is defined as, “A good work product is characterized by qualities like accuracy, completeness, clarity, timeliness, adherence to specifications, attention to detail, reliability, consistency, functionality, and the ability to…
Continue reading →: What Court is About: Mental Health …..
I’m sorry to be misunderstood or to have been sued based on my condition, being on meds, and having a medical history that’s not an excuse to accuse me of harassment, or to fight me, or to make fun of my mental health, or call me names, or make fun…
Continue reading →: You Will Find What You Seek …..
One of the biggest lessons I learned in life is to not go out into the world chasing danger its like if you call upon it it will find you, like a nightmare of circumstances can leave you feeling torn broken and lost, but don’t worry you wont be gone…
Continue reading →: It’s a Weird Truth …..
It’s a weird truth to improve or be found in the wrong on a level that you lose purpose in life and people don’t only not know who you are or think you don’t make sense unrelateable and that’s a sad fact about life analytics and money not knowing who…
Continue reading →: Everyone Works Hard …..
Maybe its just me, who works really hard and cant figure out how to make money that doesn’t mean Im not working work of equal value to any story by comparison, that’s where I think I am misunderstood, in terms of what getting my first jobs paid in law represent,…
Continue reading →: Is Love Your Second Chance in Life ….
“Love is a force both potent and fragile. It has the ability to create joy and communion or anger and desperation. Love binds us, builds us, but can also tear us down. So why do we pursue it? Why is love the thing most of us seek?” https://rebellove.com/love/second-chance-at-love/ How does…
Continue reading →: Figure Out Mental Health without Me ….
I’ve been through too much suffered too long to be used and abused as an advocate based on present difficulties and worries now is a good time to make clear I’m not strong enough to help anyone with mental health, addiction, sobriety, or legal issues. I have enough on my…
Continue reading →: Coming to Terms …
I’m coming to terms with what voices mean or any lawsuit either give up close all my blogs discontinue a public presence stop applying risk getting sick not reading or writing off meds. Or choose to live my life. Getting sick and losing my job and getting voices and a…
Continue reading →: I’m Doing my Best ….
I’ve been going through a lot I’ve been trying to return to blogging after being in treatment for a year it’s been difficult the times are not always the best. I’m too late or responsible for anything bad happening I’ve been in court for two years writing my brains out…
Continue reading →: I Think Everyone Gets Mad ….
I think everyone gets mad or feels offended or insulted or starts movements against or exposes people or cause job loss and that can represent a system of using racism or wrongful rumor accusations to justify make famous people feel better being up Jewish issues or Black issues or me…
Continue reading →: I Think Angry Voices …
I think angry voices represent subjecting me to people racist who hate me to question my ability to prevent a mass shooting be apart of progress wealth and beauty or sacrificed and used and turned into a person you put in jail and call guilty sometimes I wonder the purposes…
Continue reading →: Being Wrong ….
Speaking wrong feels like an repeated pattern of becoming what your called a condition you can’t snap out of it’s like the reverse of rising above once in ever way you improve a reminder is sought called mental illness self harm and suicide to remind you of what rock bottom…
Continue reading →: What Happened Today …..
Today I had court, after spending the night in the ER spoke to the Sheriff was self-harming and punching my head and had to report voices, which after repeated attempts and several years of treatment has become an unbelievable consequence of talking about my mental health or knowing me and…
Continue reading →: To Prevent Assassination …..
Get back to 400k in the US and take the CA State Bar with or without “voices” no cure for.
Continue reading →: Coming to Terms with a Loss ….
While on a break from writing, which I do not intend to be absent the public sphere or be unavailable, is usually something I may receive a random text from someone I know or former pen pal, who can tell whether Im not doing well, checked on to see how…
Continue reading →: It’s a Shame ….
Whenever a momentum is lost or group conscious required to feel good and go by one another delightfully without repercussion or negative judgment, that’s how you know that you are human or whats too late. Sometimes there must be a break in character, a change in perception, a dulling of…
Continue reading →: Fear of Being Unwanted: Get Away …..
We have entered a time period of sexual offenses, sexual pasts exposed, overhearing rape in the news, and also have recently experienced momentous opportunities for growth, that far surpass the past’s recognition of finally coming to accept us as we are, mixed. In recent months, well the past 8 years…
Continue reading →: It is Serious ….
I deserve time to rest reserve the right to call police write problem solve figure out what to do prevent voices work hard live long be a good person survive court be responsive. I’m working hard to prevent In the nicest way possible I am giving others the time and…
Continue reading →: How Anger is Expressed ….
People express anger toward those they find offensive or are made to believe are offensive or capable of saying something offensive or derogatory to another person whether within a language or by energy or via interpretation threatened by the substance and mental makeup distrusting of the image or qualities as…
Continue reading →: It’s Not What You Think ….
Sometimes the best way to let go off on an tangent in life explaining away a concept or how you feel describing what your going through emotionally hopefully you come to a point of cessation where you are no longer trying to discuss something that pains you or causes you…
Continue reading →: Don’t Live in Defiance ….
Don’t live in defiance that’s definitely not the solution. I drove and I am writing in the jurisdiction of the pen pal who sued me in reference to a distressed phone call to OC Sheriff discussing my views what’s been difficult and how I feel about court anything else interpretation…
Continue reading →: Why Do People Give Up …..
Why do people give up? Why do appearances matter. What is your reputation for. Why should people know you, what does knowing you do or enable others to do with your work and philosophies in life. To me you can do so much work and still be hurt, and although…
Continue reading →: How Things Get Worse ….
I have already come to accept that I will be on meds for the rest of my life, regardless of the side effects or weight gain. What I want to figure out, with investment in my company name and acknowledgment from the Secretary of State, I would hope to clarify…
Continue reading →: It’s Your Life ….
It’s your life, it goes wherever you go, it fits in a job, it has a home, it has friends, it has support, who you are in an integrated mix of who you are and all the variations of what makes you you. To me sickness is a condition that…
Continue reading →: Always Rise Above ….
Fighting is the quickest route to absolute insanity, to me fighting is mental illness, can’t tell which way is up or down, as though you are drowning and running out of time, saving your own life, due to some unforeseen series of events keeping you down in life. To me…
Continue reading →: If You Wait Too Long ….
If you wait too long between an unsettling feeling with delay in working towards making things right again sometimes you risk allowing for a hurt to settle in otherwise necessary had you spoken up. As a blogger I’ve learned that sharing is a process of acceptances earned each day a…
Continue reading →: Everyone Comes into Your Life for a Reason ….
Everyone comes into your life for a reason, whether you know it in the immediate, trust the process of improvement, and hope for better interactions in the future. Its when things are going well, that sometimes the dangers associated with being at the bottom of the loop in life, creep…
Continue reading →: Life is Full of Surprises …
When you least expect it life finds itself out to be better than any moment or loss of clarity stuck in your head. Always pay attention to your surroundings and don’t forget to pick your head up. I know it took me awhile in more awkward stages on different meds…
Continue reading →: Things Won’t Get Better ….
Things won’t get better fighting or not allow for a valid effort to explain difficulties being no one’s fault that is not code permission or reasons ability court given or taken away mean I’m allowed to quit or not helping everyone ruin my story fight me and overall lose to…
Continue reading →: Research Paper on Voices ….
Research Paper How are Voices Viewed 11-21-24 Introduction The experience of voices is still a phenomenon that science has not quite yet explained or defined or coming to mean that there is something wrong with you, by reporting the voices you do hear, is unclear the reason or the cause…
Continue reading →: Everyone Against You ….
The problem with getting voices and being misdiagnosed and sued automatically puts you at risk for being changed to something worse to please the anger directed toward you so instead of being a victim to voices these are ways you convince others that I’m offensive or mentally ill when you…
Continue reading →: It’s Hard to Explain ….
Although not believed I never had voices in at least the majority of my hospitalizations it wasn’t until 2021, that I was suffering from self-harm voices, and would have to go to the hospital. There are many ways to live life and start over, and punishment and disability are two…
Continue reading →: When Battling Voices ….
It’s hard to talk about something that doesn’t exist so please first know who I am soft spoken therefore I don’t shout I’m not aggressive I’m not combative I stick up for myself went to law school write helpful arguments to prevent chaos or psychosis that it sensed by me…
Continue reading →: Remember the Positives Over the Years Not Criticize the Pace ….
Unite the lights, there were so many special moments to remember in life for what it represented serving the purpose to make others feel apart of never fail to find positive meaning in life the best way to give back in times of need is to not fail, not complain,…
Continue reading →: Making Peace with Voices ….
Most things in life require teamwork like getting along problem solving support building systems that work for everyone life may be tough but it’s harder to handle life on your own don’t forget to ask for help and don’t give up simply due to conflict symptoms or difficulties with enough…
Continue reading →: What Makes Voices a Difficult Subject …..
Voices is a difficult subject, and worth publishing a book, based on my experience, with hope for helping someone else struggling in these respects in life. As a person who has suffered from voices, beginning 2017, and hospitalized for self-harm, to me in an unexplained experience in life, that can…
Continue reading →: Someone Who “Gets it” ….
At my magazine job at Level 21 writing articles with experience blogging was told that I’m someone who gets it. And I guess that’s what’s being tested in the event everyone is nice to me supportive work is manageable I’m in therapy going to AA working full time doing my…
Continue reading →: My Battle with Voices …
Because I called Trevor Project to be good on women’s issues (a suicide recovered law student) instead that phone call published became about denominating me to butch lesbian calling me pervert expect me to eat cunt or suck dick as insult is improperly lowering me to empower people who hate…
Continue reading →: My Recent Work Experience ….
cc: I got a job and worked for about 8 days, until I was let go, and have learned a lot from that experience the first time I was going through a lot destabilized over home finances punching my head before work started, struggling to stay sober, having many positive moments…
Continue reading →: When Life Isn’t Hard on You What Is? ….
I don’t believe life is hard on you is not how you endure pain that’s not worth crying about but when you think of how your years and time has been spent make sure it’s been worth your while to be where you are that’s what builds confidence being certain…
Continue reading →: Making the Transition ….
Making the transition to working full time was not an easy start barely a week sober exhausted from all the letters and emails I sent trying to figure out what’s wrong including taking the time in therapy to take a step back and work on myself figure out my own…
Continue reading →: Be a Good Example …
Be a good example. I just started a new job full time and lasted a week so proud of myself in spite of a rough start re: relapse or self harm and dealing with voices, but lucky I’m able to work 8 hrs a day and given a chance in…
Continue reading →: What Does Normal Feel Like …..
Normal to me, feels like a calm, you feel motivated to do things that day, you are at rest, able to sleep and gather your thoughts, feeling positive in a good mood like things are going to turn out today okay, and having a sense of clarity that distinguishes a…
Continue reading →: It’s Finally a Good Day ….
So much has happened since I last wrote, I started a new job, survived my first day of work, and working through mental health issues texting my therapist, and writing letters, or emails until things have finally gotten better by today and so thankful. I know discussing voices is a…
Continue reading →: That Unnerving Chaos …..
I’ve been thinking a lot lately about how to describe a battle with voices, without anyone losing or becoming upset, however created, and to me it’s a sensitive subject based on how or why hurtful terms are used, and doing my best to figure out the triggers and causes for…
Continue reading →: It’s Dangerous to Blog ….
I’ve been blogging for 6 years continuous now, and have built two blogs, and for the first time in my life, I have been presented with problems in life, so severe, and so serious, that no investigator, report, openness, subject, or blog post can solve, and maybe that’s a fact…
Continue reading →: It’s Not Okay to Live Life Offensive ….
It’s not okay to live life offensive it’s not okay to suffer from voices or terms be honest or be punished for it and demand scientific analysis and solution you’ve determined on your own and have done your best to solve. It’s not okay to live life offending anyone or…
Continue reading →: What Exists ….
What exists is how you make people feel. There’s no science about going by your own feelings and thoughts in life however you are persuaded. A common defense to mental illness and crisis is then associated to no one suffering from unknown causes of blogging is considered a safe shared…
Continue reading →: Lessons About Fighting ….
The lesson about being fought, is that you get sick, there is no way around it. If someone connects to you, and doesn’t like you, is angry at you, or cannot be happy for you, then you are going to get sick, by that person connecting to you, watching you,…
Continue reading →: What Do People Want ….
I get that as a reader of my blog, there is an expectation for quotes, wisdom, articles, self-help, mental health subjects, and a sense of hope of things working out or going to be okay. That being said, it’s hard to address crisis, or emergencies on the blog, in a…