Tag: confidence

  • Goal Setting & Fixing Your Life …

    Goal Setting & Fixing Your Life …

    By the time you’ve made it through your darkest hour and light is beginning to shine back into your life don’t get ahead of yourself by putting too much pressure on yourself or others, the expectation of you is high however your expectations of others should not enter your mind, who you need to focus…

  • There’s No Guaranteed Route to Respect …

    There’s No Guaranteed Route to Respect …

    There’s no guaranteed route to respect, but there are ways to improve upon your chances for it. This is probably why self-improvement is such a hot topic. Figuring out what your weaknesses are and owning up to them, is one way to recognize that you are not everything you want to be and not everything…

  • Rude Awakening …

    Rude Awakening …

    1. No one thinking your funny. 2. Being prescribed a new med. 3. Getting a new diagnosis. 4. Having great sex and never hearing from them, until weeks or months later. 5. Suddenly sober. 6. Suddenly normal again. 7. Pissed off and no one responding to you. 8. Recognizing there is no game and building…

  • Why the Obsession? …

    It’s true that we can become so obsessed with our own thoughts that we will speak to scenarios created in our minds, ingrained in our memories, and wind up where, exactly to the feelings we describe, where is the growth in that? Memory needs no exact science to decipher exactly where a feeling came from…

  • Recent Discussions Private …

    Recent Discussions Private …

    For the most part I have improved, it’s better to be a man of your word than to be made out to be something that you’re not and that probably occurred because I wrote a book, I was doing well at the time I wrote my book, despite fires and jobs and any controversy with…

  • Instagram Goals …

    Instagram Goals …

    Sometimes I think the message gets lost or the tone, am always doing my best to be clear spoken and clear headed and share exactly where I’m at in life in writing, physical health updates, and mental health issues via CBT thought diary. I think for a time it was okay to speak my mind…

  • Your Body Your Temple …

    Your Body Your Temple …

    Quick ways to get motivated, usually involve, recognizing something that you want for yourself then going out into the world and creating that for yourself, either by looking at yourself in the mirror, where do you stand, where do you want to be in life, or sometimes we feel inspiration turning to others, recognizing something…

  • Sharing Positive Attention …

    Sharing Positive Attention …

    We all want to be someone that another feels good by. This has especially come to my attention, liking a politician, what will people think of me befriending him, and how will that make him look? This has caused me to be more careful about how I look, not that I didn’t used to care…

  • Just Pen Pals …

    Just Pen Pals …

    Just pen pals … I don’t know what it is but for some reason I attract married men. There must be some middle ground that makes it okay for you to be flirtatious with men who are married. It’s not porn but it’s somewhere in between pen paling, you get to log your day, keep…

  • Recently Sick with the Stomach Flu …

    Recently Sick with the Stomach Flu …

    A little under the weather not to mention tricky discussions about mental health cures to better coping skills you get better at staying well the more you learn about how to respond to symptoms in a way that’s nothing to do with anyone I’m assuming a defensive stance to mental health is a situation about…