Tag: fitness

  • Looking back …

    Looking back …

    Looking back there’s so much of you to be proud of. The proof in trying is all the progress you’re able to make in spite of all you’ve been through. Getting up, going back to work, getting back in touch with friends, those are all steps in the right direction. I know it’s not easy…

  • Outgrowing Competitive Energy …

    Outgrowing Competitive Energy …

    For every well moment you experience in life, be proud of yourself, its when competition hits, that things go from sailing in life, to a stand still, or weight gain for that matter gained 18 lbs since January, finally reached my goal weight -30 lbs was at 160 lbs, and happy, maybe my face did…

  • Life Philosophy …

    Life Philosophy …

    My road to recovery from mental health issues include the following: Writing everyday, whether that be taking notes by spiral notebook, or computer/phone. In the event of a mental health crisis, call my psychiatrist, 911, or go to the hospital. What is not included online, may not be everything, there are some things you keep…

  • Facing Your Fears …

    Facing Your Fears …

    There will always be a stopping point when it comes to sharing your thoughts, and it will occur upon not sounding like yourself, or beginning to empathize with the wrong concepts in life, be miscommunicated through you, as though you are demonstrating care for the wrong issues in life, then be made an example of…

  • Always Be a Catch …

    Always Be a Catch …

    There are simple and obvious rules to dating, besides always being a catch, it means taking good care of yourself, being emotionally stable, having good conversational skills, being confident, having something going for you in life, valuing the time and attention of another, not being too needy, and getting tested. They may not stay, there…

  • Into Harms Way …

    Into Harms Way …

    I don’t think there is ever a time when you are completely at peace when you are not made to feel happy with yourself, there will always be that something about you then that another is not sure of, and that’s the way luck goes. So do your best in spite of what others think.…

  • What’s Easy? …

    What’s Easy? …

    Catch yourself before you fall into a negative spiral would be my best advice. Recognize when you’re giving up on yourself and allowing negative thoughts about yourself and your future to rule your current outlook. You only have one life to live meaning making the best of a good life. You may not feel well,…

  • Enjoy the Journey …

    Enjoy the Journey …

    The journey of a thousand miles begins with one step. Whether you are trying to get sober or start a new company, you have to make a decision at some point to quit doing what you are doing in place of activities and thinking that help get you to where you see yourself one day.…

  • What is Love …

    What is Love …

    Some lessons are harder to learn than most, and no matter who you give love to remember to also love yourself, while making the other person feel of value, like God. That’s the benefit of being attentive to the ones you love, it makes them feel heard, acknowledged, and recognized. When you’re not paying attention…

  • Just Be Yourself …

    Just Be Yourself …

    Change doesn’t require you to give up who you are in place of being a new person. You will always have to accept parts of you you like and don’t like about yourself. The goal to keep in mind, is to love yourself in spite of who you are, who you were, and begin in…