Tag: humanity

  • You’re Not Ordinary …

    You’re Not Ordinary …

    You’re not ordinary, you’re a vibrant, living, breathing human being with potential. That’s you in there, be proud to be here, and think of everything you can do in life not be limited by what you can’t do in life, there are always options in life if you avail yourself to those abilities in life,…

  • I Wrote to a Journalist …

    I Wrote to a Journalist …

    Recently struggling with confidentiality, why I left my last job at Peace Over Violence, with regards to my own personal safety needs, what is ongoing behind my back and to me without me knowing, going through my computer and iphone records (photo and video portfolios) with recent Instagram changes found deleted folders of filed items…

  • Personal Update …

    Personal Update …

    For the time being I am discontinuing Instagram, I have done my best to be positive, I think too many negative voices, means to share less online, and work on myself, work toward being able to be social and be in loving relationships, and not get caught up in displays which maybe are not taken…

  • Easy to Work With …

    Easy to Work With …

    The more difficult the problems you have, the more difficult it is to comprehend your disability, or ongoing issues, however relevant, all of that affects the ability of someone in your audience to be able to comprehend in what way you are significant or important with respect to the experiences of others be mentioned or…

  • Finding Your Beautiful Self …

    Finding Your Beautiful Self …

    Growing up I may not have been the prettiest, but that never stopped me from having friends, Ive always made friends easily, it doesn’t matter where I am or who Im with, that’s just my personality easy to talk to, and from whats been mentioned to me recently “not judgmental” Ill have to keep track…

  • Responding to Loss …

    Responding to Loss …

    When something happens that strikes a chord with us, many emotions can be felt some you won’t be able to identify in yourself and that’s okay. I think relationships are something we can all relate to as being difficult and painful at times, and we hope that things get better not worse. That’s what reporting…

  • Why I Cannot Tolerate “Voices” …

    Why I Cannot Tolerate “Voices” …

    Sometimes people will not allow you to get well, and that’s not something you can change about someone who is not in acceptance of your condition, don’t also expect that someone will be in acceptance of you doing well or struggling either make worse, some people think they are entitled to that much in life,…

  • How to Preserve Talent …

    How to Preserve Talent …

    Smart is something that occurs overtime, its not instant through reading, what keeps you going in life thinking in the positive and also viewing others in the positive, there will always be that lull in time, before giving it your best effort, before something goes wrong, and that’s the withdraw from something that youre doing…

  • Even If …

    Even If …

    Even if no one respects yourself respect yourself enough to not behave in private in any way that if the world were watching you’d want them to think of you any differently. Part of feeling good and loving life is feeling good about yourself one of two equal parts to feeling loved. If what you…