Tag: confidence

  • Thinking & Doing …

    Thinking & Doing …

    Thinking and doing are two completely different concepts. According to “We have a ‘thinking’ system and a ‘doing’ system – and we’re generally only capable of using one at a time.” [1] How many times have you thought to yourself, you’d rather be somewhere else, or be somewhere other than you are in life, Im…

  • Take It One Day at a Time …

    Take It One Day at a Time …

    What does “take it one day at a time” mean to you? To me it means that as you grow, change, and evolve so will the things you think too. You never know where this life will take you. I read a quote the other day about understanding that if you’ve not been there before…

  • Know Your Limits …

    Know Your Limits …

    I was just thinking this today, knowing my limits. So much about connecting with others is feeling the peace, that sense of warmth in knowing that you’re thinking about life and that others are too trying to better understand themselves if not others. So do take the time to step back from your problems, it…

  • Being from a Different Breed …

    Being from a Different Breed …

    Finding yourself is about broadening your horizons, they always tell you to try new things, meet new people, as you get to know yourself and live a little, you become more or less susceptible to being hurt in the process of finding your way. So even if it takes you a few failed attempts at…

  • About 67k Viewers …

    About 67k Viewers …

    Theres no short story to a long story, and maybe that’s the thing about appreciating people where they are in life, even if you don’t know how they got there, or what they went through, or the exact steps they took, to gain the courage or the skill set to blog, we all got here…

  • A Better State of Mind …

    A Better State of Mind …

    Right now it’s about you, hanging up my self pity hat, and detailed disclosures of lesser moments of faith and confidence in life. Explore life but don’t get too far away from your basic principles, boundaries, moral courage, and upbringing, we were all raised differently … this you later come to appreciate about life, how…

  • What you represent …

    What you represent …

    There are general markings of approved for speech … let alone encourage during any difficult point in time when you either lose interest in a speaker or think less of them, and I wouldn’t be able to tell you when and if that occurs and why, especially not by any diagnosis let any voices be…

  • On a Need to Know Basis …

    On a Need to Know Basis …

    Recently struggling on new meds, things could be worse, so always thankful to be introduced to new solutions in life, the benefit of getting a second opinion, treatment, and medical care. Sometimes your best advisor in life can’t be there for you in a down, meaning you can’t help yourself, it’s a rare moment when…

  • Just About Had It …

    Just About Had It …

    Just when you’ve just about had it … pause. Where is your anger and resentment stemming from, what is it that you want to hear or need to hear, and think how will anyone respond to what I’ve got to say now in the moment and will what I have to say impede on the…