Tag: forgiveness

  • When Things Aren’t Good Enough …

    When Things Aren’t Good Enough …

    For example: My Campaign: “mymollydoll” on mymollydoll.com lesliefischman.com and #tags. Whenever you create an idea in your mind, it’s to make things work in your mind, and sometimes our ideas bring us closer to our goals, and sometimes we have to make amendments to the rules or ideas we set for ourselves moving forward. Anytime…

  • Not What You Expected (re-titled)…

    Not What You Expected (re-titled)…

    If its something that’s bothering you about me, what makes me so unique, or workable compared to other bloggers, when it comes to distant collaborations and themes in general being followed in distant communication to one another through blogging, is that I have earned the space that I keep, starting with nothing, just a lot…

  • How Ideas Splinter …

    How Ideas Splinter …

    Everyone has their own way of looking at things, and that much you have to accept about others. If you are someone online, sharing your ideas, then that is something that you don’t have control over someone hearing from you, having ideas of their own, then either judging you, having faith in you, or seeing…

  • Being from a Different Breed …

    Being from a Different Breed …

    Finding yourself is about broadening your horizons, they always tell you to try new things, meet new people, as you get to know yourself and live a little, you become more or less susceptible to being hurt in the process of finding your way. So even if it takes you a few failed attempts at…

  • Letter of Apology to Audience for Lost Composure …

    Letter of Apology to Audience for Lost Composure …

    Recently going through a lot and have not been myself whether obvious or not, or for what reasons does not matter at this point, when all of the above can be assumed, its better to leave people with their own thoughts and opinions on the issues, without integrating your personal life dilemmas, and confrontations in…

  • 30 Year Olds …

    30 Year Olds …

    30 year olds … are basically the future leadership of tomorrow. I wouldn’t be joking if I didn’t mean it, seriously. Think about our future, and in the realm of human decency, think how will you feel about yourself, by the time your 30, or 40, or 50, and go from there, there is so…

  • Theres No Such Thing as Pretending …

    Theres No Such Thing as Pretending …

    Theres no such thing as pretending, we are all human, and when our defenses are down no one expects to be hurt, just as anyone who you cant see, or don’t admire, you don’t want to think about, or be told anything bad about someone, made to feel uncomfortable by them, and that’s something no…

  • Since Pen Paling, What Matters …

    Since Pen Paling, What Matters …

    If you have some understanding of history, you are aware of the many cases in which people are convinced of things that later take their lives. Either resulting from being spiritually connected to a person who appears to be all knowing, who actually sees you as stupid, and themselves as smart, I think if you…

  • Today I Got my First COVID-Vaccine …

    Today I Got my First COVID-Vaccine …

    Never get too comfortable, that’s the best way to show respect for others, where no leadership is required, where no attentions are needed, and that’s what makes a long line, seem like a short distance, that’s time moving by quickly, even if it seems like the wait is long, you’d be surprised, that the more…