Tag: law

  • What I’ve Been Up To …

    What I’ve Been Up To …

    Originally posted 09-29-22. First off, Im sorry there was a provocative fan site. I now realize that whats okay in private, can cause discomfort if put in public, and I would never do that to myself, if it meant I can’t work, I just graduated, so I was hoping for my life to begin again,…

  • Reply to: “Facebook Community Standards” Defenses

    Reply to: “Facebook Community Standards” Defenses

    Facebook Community Standards Defenses: Leslie Fischman: I don’t understand why my Instagram pages were marked as “against community standards” once my blog posts were being distributed by Blogpros, I was not hashtagging, or speaking directly on the platform, I was only blogging from my website and discussing very painful issues in terms of what I…

  • Got a New Job …

    Got a New Job …

    Aside from what’s been going on recently in the news, I have been doing well, but it’s never easy to hear the news especially when it comes to gun violence it’s something that has always traumatized me. When life gets tough you’re either someone who stops in their tracks frozen or you do your best…

  • Whats Tough …

    Whats Tough …

    One of the toughest battles you will ever face in life is when you are not feeling good, and if you cant figure out why, not wait until its too late and you’ve isolated either by choice, or by preference, and hopefully via no overt words or actions that set you apart from others in…

  • Another 30 Days at #laxcourthouse …

    Another 30 Days at #laxcourthouse …

    What does going to court represent, it represents that when you are not doing well, its how things start to go right for you in life, whether you are in the wrong or someone else, it’s the only dose of reality that sometimes wakes up or makes certain that there is acknowledgement of a problem…

  • mymollydoll.com is back up! …

    mymollydoll.com is back up! …

    I thought it would be a good idea to only focus on one website at the time being, while my mental health issues were very severe and have since gotten better. I don’t think there has ever been a day when I haven’t pushed myself. Its just like that. Some days are more difficult than…

  • Wondering About Things …

    Wondering About Things …

    Sometimes before things get better they get worse, and Im hoping that thats not the case. I am an incredibly paranoid person who is really hard on herself, and Im not ashamed to say that. I think its okay to be careful, just know your limits. For awhile now, I have been saving all my…

  • Let the Dust Settle …

    Let the Dust Settle …

    If it’s a crisis youre responding to, my best advice would be to let the dust settle, and to allow someone in a leadership position to respond first, to avoid the risk of overreacting, or saying the wrong thing, and then being held to something you felt or understood, which turns out later not not…

  • Pushing for Conspiracy …

    Pushing for Conspiracy …

    I think everyone has been through a lot, and no one wants to be on the short end of the stick, on the receiving end of unwanted feelings, emotions, or any inflicted dialogues with expectation for you to rationalize another’s worry in life, having to do with you. It will always be when you are…

  • How to do What is Right …

    How to do What is Right …

    When things are not going well that’s a good time to do what is right, even if you don’t know what to do, don’t know what to say, start somewhere. All difficult periods in time, require some thoughts, about how to process an event, review what has been going well, and figure out where any…