Tag: courage

  • Recently Sick with the Stomach Flu …

    Recently Sick with the Stomach Flu …

    A little under the weather not to mention tricky discussions about mental health cures to better coping skills you get better at staying well the more you learn about how to respond to symptoms in a way that’s nothing to do with anyone I’m assuming a defensive stance to mental health is a situation about…

  • My Views on Entertainment Theory …

    My Views on Entertainment Theory …

    Its come to my attention that this is probably something that needs to be discussed whether I am ready to have this discussion of have ideas already in mind put to work. I think we all have different exposures in life and there will always be two ways at looking at things. Are you respectful…

  • You Can’t Always Get What You Want …

    You Can’t Always Get What You Want …

    You can’t always get what you want in life, and sometimes what you want in life isn’t what you need, or what you need you think will help bring you closer to getting what you want. There are always incentives for self-betterment, you never expect for things to start working out for you when they…

  • Avoiding Self-Sabotage …

    Avoiding Self-Sabotage …

    Make things happen for you in life whether or not you think you deserve better in life you certainly don’t deserve to be held to a negative opinion of you. Sometimes in being considerate we think too much about what others think and wind up accommodating the wrong interests in life, it just so happens…

  • Responding to Loss …

    Responding to Loss …

    When something happens that strikes a chord with us, many emotions can be felt some you won’t be able to identify in yourself and that’s okay. I think relationships are something we can all relate to as being difficult and painful at times, and we hope that things get better not worse. That’s what reporting…

  • What Creates Risk? Personal? …

    What Creates Risk? Personal? …

    What creates a risk personal, this I think in terms of what the purpose for story telling is, I recognize on Twitter if its in short, and if it’s a scary way to think of things or worry if applies to my life means that is why I call the police or the FBI, that’s…

  • Being from a Different Breed …

    Being from a Different Breed …

    Finding yourself is about broadening your horizons, they always tell you to try new things, meet new people, as you get to know yourself and live a little, you become more or less susceptible to being hurt in the process of finding your way. So even if it takes you a few failed attempts at…

  • Change is Scary …

    Change is Scary …

    Let’s face it, how many of us on the verge of something new find ourselves lost? I certainly do, and that’s not an unusual experience. According to tinybuddah.com, “life will always require you to let go of something before the next thing is in sight.” [1] So instead of darting our eyes, counting out ABCs…

  • Outgrowing Competitive Energy …

    Outgrowing Competitive Energy …

    For every well moment you experience in life, be proud of yourself, its when competition hits, that things go from sailing in life, to a stand still, or weight gain for that matter gained 18 lbs since January, finally reached my goal weight -30 lbs was at 160 lbs, and happy, maybe my face did…