Tag: dating

  • There’s No Guaranteed Route to Respect …

    There’s No Guaranteed Route to Respect …

    There’s no guaranteed route to respect, but there are ways to improve upon your chances for it. This is probably why self-improvement is such a hot topic. Figuring out what your weaknesses are and owning up to them, is one way to recognize that you are not everything you want to be and not everything…

  • In Reviewing Prior Posts …

    In Reviewing Prior Posts …

    I just recognized what it is that’s discomforting, so although I may be presently going through something difficult and feel obligated to disclose that’s a piece of information that heightens tension meaning to not be confident in me makes other people feel bad or sad and that’s not purposeful of me to make others feel…

  • Handle Things in Stride …

    Handle Things in Stride …

    You can’t really toot your horn in this business unless people allow you to, a career in writing teaches you to aim for delayed gratification rather than seek immediate results. As a writer you are feeding off your own energy in life, that’s what gives life to new ideas, and your inner genius, which you…

  • When Something is About You …

    When Something is About You …

    Based on what is going on, and based on what you have to say, it can either help or build a resentment toward you, whether you feel the same way, different, fine, or not well, compared to who is on the other end of that feeling interpreting you, on the same side, or on a…

  • Recent Discussions Private …

    Recent Discussions Private …

    For the most part I have improved, it’s better to be a man of your word than to be made out to be something that you’re not and that probably occurred because I wrote a book, I was doing well at the time I wrote my book, despite fires and jobs and any controversy with…

  • Your Hand in Life …

    Your Hand in Life …

    *This post was removed because then I start talking to him not my audience the person who upset me so when you read it and it doesn’t apply to you upsets the wrong people when it’s intended to clarify to who hurt me that I don’t wish to help him benefit reading my work if…

  • When It Comes to Love …

    When It Comes to Love …

    When it comes to love don’t deny your feelings, you could be causing more harm than good in avoidance of facing what baffles you, challenges you, or forces you to look at yourself, asking yourself where do I need to improve? Often times, if you’re like me, we don’t feel validated by the whole experience,…

  • Coming from a Good Place …

    Coming from a Good Place …

    Always come from a good place in life, and everything comes back to you tenfold in life, that’s something that I have always believed in. I think this is an isolated incident of hate, occurring during a period in which I was learning to express myself by video, and exploring my writing potential by blog,…

  • I’ve Always Been This Way …

    I’ve Always Been This Way …

    I’ve always been one to support others, whether I agreed with them, disagreed with them, lived a similar life, lived a different life, Ive never been one to judge someone, based on who they are or how they are or how they live their life, as far as I was concerned I lived my life…

  • Just Pen Pals …

    Just Pen Pals …

    Just pen pals … I don’t know what it is but for some reason I attract married men. There must be some middle ground that makes it okay for you to be flirtatious with men who are married. It’s not porn but it’s somewhere in between pen paling, you get to log your day, keep…